About The Maker

Hello! I'm Bella, owner and creator of FOOD FOR SKIN BARS. I make all natural, handmade body and face soap. My cold process, vegan soaps are made in the Inner city limits of  Tampa, Florida where I reside. 

It all started 3 years ago when I became overly obsessed with everything being natural, to my food, juice,toothpaste , deodorant etc ....In my quest, I diligently researched the skin products and soaps we were using and voraciously soaked up every bit of information I could find on their ingredients and their potential harmful effects. This led me to begin the journey of making my own cold process soap in my home, but what I truly didn't anticipate was how I would fall insanely in love with the entire soap-making process. Each and every batch of soap I create is made with only safe + responsible ingredients, thoughtful formulation, and of course- love. I hope you enjoy these one-of-a-kind soaps as much as I've enjoyed making them!

I use high-quality ingredients and certified 100% pure high-grade essential oils in my soap.

I strive to practice sustainability as a maker and small business owner to protect our natural environment and human health. A few ways I do that is by using 100% recycled and 100% post-consumer waste kraft paper for my labels. After I cut my soap into bars, I use the leftover ends for samples and guest soaps so none is wasted. Also, I use sustainable palm oil in my soap, which helps to reduce deforestation and poverty in palm oil-producing countries.

